
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Babies R Robinson

My beautiful sister Annie Fannie is pregnant with her very own little Doak....errrr....Robinson. It has been so much fun to see my sister pregnant. And why, by the way, are we not capitalizing on this Immaculate Conception? We should be millionaires!!

After Mark and Anne told us at Thanksgiving they were preggars, I started asking every week how big it was. “It” started as a poppy seed, then a blueberry, then an olive, then a peach, etc. Eventually “It” turned in to “him” and then “him” turned in to “Graham”. We have all watched his nursery come together (slowly but surely, in true Anne fashion). Besides Anne’s humongous cankles that look exactly like Grandma Bernie’s (ugh…), she looks amazing. She thinks she looks like a swarm of bees stung her but who am I to argue? She has the crazy pregnancy hormones running through her and lets be honest, she already shaved part of my head. What’s next? Nope. Not getting in to that with her face to face. But on my blog where I can say anything I want, I can say it. She looks great and is such a trooper. I can’t imagine having a stomach big enough to hold LeBron James and she really hasn’t complained at all. Well, I imagine maybe to Mark…but not to me. Everyone has read her blog and knows how big this butterball is. While she is a bit nervous about having to deliver this little fatty, I think this is fantastic news. Fat babies are the sh*t. I think Anne probably finds quite a bit of comfort in the fact that our mom (who was a miniature 110 pounds or something ridiculous) gave birth to 5 children that were all 9 1/2 and 10 1/2 pounds. I would think that would give someone serious bragging rights but if you ask my mom she’s like, “ohhhhh it’s nothing.” WHAT? You better believe if I had a baby as fat as Pat (almost 11 pounds…right? Just disgusting) that I wouldn’t be so blasé about the whole thing. BUT. That is one of the many things about my mother that makes her amazing. I feel pretty confident that Anne will give our mom a run for her money.

I can honestly say more than anyone I know, I think Anne will be the most amazing mom. She is fiercely protective of the people she loves. The most important thing you can give a child is love and there isn’t even the slightest possibility that her kids will ever doubt how greatly they are loved. Her creativity mixed with Mark’s wit will make them a fun set of parents to watch raise children. I’m so excited to watch Anne be a mom – it will be so natural for her. I really think some people are just born to be parents. My mother certainly was. I will always believe that her purpose on this earth was to raise children and make people smile. I can’t think of two more fitting people to do exactly the same thing.

Can't wait.


  1. damn, gina. you HAVE been blogging a lot. when i stop blogging i also stop reading other people's blogs. i'm back. just wait for it. oh yeah - nice sappy post. =)

  2. What a sweet, nice comment to your sister.

  3. Thanks Liz. I don't know that I'm quite as confident as you are, but I'm hopeful :) And ya'lls confidence is worth a lot! I know I'll have lots of help (cough cough), so that's good.

    On a side note, I hope that I was already preggers in that picture. If not, pretend like I was. Also, the cankles have turned into thighkles at this point and everything else is following suit :)

    Love you!
