
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One exhausted little girl

Well, I've officially reached the end of my career as painter. I'd like to thank my parents, who always believed in me and pushed me to be the best that I can be. My brothers and sisters for always supporting me....blah blah. Lost th humor after I typed the first couple words, let's be honest.

I just finished painting my closet, for which I am extremely proud.

Completely unnecessary, but a fun final product just the same. We are finally moving tomorrow. Mom and I woke up at 8 am and have spent the day packing, cleaning, and and as always, coming up with new ways goo gone is useful. I am ready to be lazy for awhile. I am more than ready to have the boxes out of my bedroom, into my new one to give me a different kind of headache so I can get organized. My room looks like the size of a peanut and it doesn't even have anything in it! The poor house's foundation will probably crack below my room due to my excessive (but always entertaining) shopping problem. Shoes, clothes, bags, wallets, anything Marc Jacobs, stationary, candles, matches, magazines, embroidery floss, hair products, pillows, anything anthropologie name it, I either have it it was extremely tempted by it. This is why I'm poor.....

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